The Pulse Newsletter

Before Everybody Gets Out of the Pool…

Before Everybody Gets Out of the Pool…

As summer winds down, so do aquatic programs. Bringing pools and water features to a close has its own special challenges members need to be ready to address.

“Many aquatics facilities find they must alter operation hours or close sections of the facility, because they don’t have enough lifeguards available,” says Kyle Saros, PDRMA Risk Management Consultant. “As lifeguards return to high school or college, it puts extra pressure on remaining lifeguards and pool managers. Agencies need to help them avoid burnout, since the beginning and end of pool season is when most accidents happen. Lots of positive reinforcement, performance spot checks and monitoring hours worked are key, as is changing your admission hours and/or closing areas of the pool — if necessary...

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Put on Your Risk Management Grant Thinking Caps
Put on Your Risk Management Grant Thinking Caps

It’s almost a real-life game of Clue, with PDRMA member employees putting on their thinking caps to detect possible risks and solutions — and earn up to $2,500 for their solutions! 

All it takes are observational skills, creativity and an entry form to submit your idea into the running for a 2023 Risk Management grant or recognition award. But don't wait too long, as the deadline to enter is Friday, Sept. 1.  

"You don’t have to be Magnum P.I. or Sherlock Holmes to find a risk management grant opportunity,” points out Lindsey Robertson, Risk Management Consultant...Full Article

Yogi Berra Was Right
Yogi Berra Was Right

Chances are, Yogi Berra didn’t realize when he said, “You can observe a lot by watching,” that it was just as applicable to injury prevention...Full Article

Fall Training
Fall Training

Want to advance your career? Invest in your professional development? School’s in session...Full Article

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