PDRMA December 2019 www.pdrma.org
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Are Five-year Internal Sprinkler System Inspections Really Necessary?


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2019 Risk Management Grant and Recognition Award Winners

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Risk Management Review Update


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Happy New…Training Calendar!

2019 Risk Management Grant and Recognition Award Winners

Risk Management Review Update

The process to revise, update and upgrade the Risk Management Review (RMR) for members gathers momentum as it moves into its second year in 2020, anticipating a full launch in 2021. In 2020, Group A members will move on to their second Slip, Trip and Fall Self-assessment, continue to prioritize and develop SMART Goals, and have full access to the In2vate platform, with online forms used in the review.

“As Group A members continue — and Group B members begin — to use In2vate, we’ll gather feedback from them about the forms and overall process,” explains Tim Lenac, PDRMA Risk Management Services Supervisor. 

A new Group C, roughly 75 members, will follow a slightly different path, completing their first Slip, Trip and Fall Self-assessment and Kickoff Discussions, and beginning to target SMART Goals.

PDRMA Risk Management Consultants will work with members in all three groups to help them develop and prioritize their SMART Goals and provide field service as needed.

“We’ll be introducing a few more review forms and making them available in In2vate,” says Lenac. “We’ll also continue to work with the National Safety Council and PDRMA committees to develop a new metric to use in the RMR.”

A Look Ahead

For 2020, until we identify and implement the new metric, the Risk Management Committee approved the following incentive program:

  • All members will receive a financial incentive based on their most recent Loss Control Review (LCR) score, as they did in 2019. The only difference is members that were a Level B or C as of their most recent LCR score are eligible to increase their financial incentive (i.e., move from $500 to $1,000 or $1,000 to $1,500) based on SMART Goal achievements.
  • A clothing incentive is available to all Pilot Group B members as long as they participate in the agreed upon pilot program activities and their loss-to-premium ratios are better than the pool average in two of the five lines of coverage.